My Guides
My team is an eclectic gathering, composed of gods & goddesses, ascended & enlightened masters, collectives, and galactic beings. Each has their own role to play and their own knowledge, strengths, and powers to share with not only me, but with all of you as we undertake our journey to remembering and reawakening together … as the universe intends.
As I continue along my own personal journey, I have been told I will receive additional guides that were intentionally forgotten when the timing is right for them to reappear. When they do, their information will be added here, as well as any additional information about existing guides that I receive.
This is important because, through, and with them, I will be bringing you channeled messages, light language, and any cleansing, healing, or protection you might need for your highest good as you engage with my content and our community.
Andromedan Grandmother, Glora
Glora has been with me the longest, through my early childhood as a light body and in one form or another throughout the journeys of each soul aspect that separated from her at the age of seven and began incarnating on Earth [including mine].
She is our grandmother. She is an oracle and record keeper, the holder of my destiny, the holder of my akashic contracts and original blueprint, as well as the holder of time locked memories and team members until the time was/is right.
Council Member & Star Mother, Isis
Isis selected my light body for her abilities while gathering knowledge for the Earth experiment the Galactic Council were developing . She removed her from her home and parents, having her travel the galaxy, observing other races, and assessing probable roles and outcomes.
She also supported my light body in separating and joining the incarnated on Earth. From then on she has “interfered” with the trajectory of my fellow five soul aspects and myself, including placing a piece of herself in each of us.
Pleiadian Star Mother, Maia
The Pleiades were the first stop for my light body after her departure from Andromeda, the first race she gathered information from. While there Maia became a mother figure and mentor, while her son Hermes became like a brother.
When my light body separated, Maia once again served as a mentor as the first soul aspect to incarnate was placed in a half human/half galactic being body and provided with the knowledge needed to serve as a guide and emissary in Atlantis to the first wave of incarnated.
Atlantean Collective, Alren
The first soul aspect to separate from my light body was sent to Atlantis as part of the Alren Collective, a group of half humans/half galactic beings selected from separating light bodies of various races.
The Collective were brought together for the purpose of aiding the first wave of incarnated in adjusting to their Earth bodies and with the process of remembering and reawakening as intended. Despite the aid of Alren and other similar collectives, the first wave failed.
My Primary Guides On Earth
My primary guides have been with me, surrounding me (literally), throughout each human incarnation my soul aspects have experienced on Earth, often changing names or even becoming animals, but always remaining the same light body/being energy:
To my front, representing the Pleiadean’s via Maia, is my messenger and air/akashic spirit Hermes. He challenges me (like a sibling), grounds, me, brings out my inner child, and connects me with team members needed for my mission.
To my back, representing the Andromedan’s, is my healing and nurturing Earth Spirit who is known to me as Apollo. He is there to catch me, to bring quiet to my mind, and to trigger rest from my mission. He is also my twin flame as a light body/being and in all lives on Earth.
To my left, representing the Arcturians, is my water/akashic spirit of truth who is know to me as Hades/Osiris. He helps me to receive truth and release that which is not, as well as connect with souls (between incarnations) for my missions.
To my right, representing the Sirian’s via Isis, is my fire spirt of strength, confidence, and resilience who is known to me as Ares. He energizes and pushes me in my mission and reminds me of my inner strength, helping me to conquer human doubt and fear.
Recently Unlocked : Unnamed Shaman
While I have much to learn, and to connect with him, about, this Shaman entered my journey during the incarnation of my 5th soul aspect, a PNW Native American during the mid 1800’s, and has returned to me now in the incarnation of my 6th, and final, soul aspect.
He has been a source of cleansing through fire. He aids in the release of guilt, shame, and other ancestral or past / parallel life wounds.
Recently Unlocked: Arcturian, Gushar
Gushar first appeared to me during a 1:1 session with another channel late 2024. At that time, he provided a scroll that I would later find contained specifications for the flaws in the original blueprints and potential solutions.
He joined my team when I unlocked my ability to see them, and aids me in carrying out my channel, soul, and quantum engineering programs, as well as rehabilitating the blueprints.
My Light Body & Fellow Soul Aspects
My light body is an Andromedan child whose name is Liora. She was a child with immense abilities, gathering, assessing, and seeing future probabilities. Those abilities were exploited by the Galactic Council during the development of the Human Experiment. Currently, she is stuck in state of inertia, as are all light bodies who separated and have not experienced ascension.
Aspect One: Areia [Pleiades + Atlantis] was half human/half galactic being, mentored by Star Mother Maia, and served as a guide to the incarnated alongside the Atlantean Collective Alren.
Aspect Two: Aella [Ancient Greece] lived among the Amazons, known to history as warriors, but were really wielders of 9D energy, using it assess probabilities and weave illusions in battle.
Aspect Three: Moira [Wales] was among the Banduri/Druids of Anglesey. I am still building a connection with her and learning of her abilities.
Aspect Four: Elira [?] committed suicide to avoid persecution and remains in spirit form. She did not incarnate again. I am still building a connection with her and learning of her abilities.
Aspect Five: Shima [Washington] was a Native American healer, teacher, and preserver of culture. Lost her voice when attacked for loving a white man. Can cross timelines/dimensions.
Evolving … The 12 Pillars OR The Gateways To Them
Sanat Kumara
St Germaine
Green Tara
Kuan Yin
Divine Mother
As my own personal journey continues on, I find that journey of my light body Liora becomes more and more tangled in terms of who, or rather what she is, and what her/our role is in the experiment that is our human experience.
The Divine Mother, one degree away from source, came to me after a 1:1 Multidimensional Integration Session with another channel. During that session, it was uncovered that I was one degree away from her, that Liora/myself, are a pillar, a vault that holds all of the possible templates and blueprints for the experiment, for ascension, for the separation of light bodies into soul aspects, and beyond.
Once that session was over, and I was able to delve deeper, channel more independently, I discovered that Liora was one of 13 aspects separated from the Divine Mother and born unto the various galactic races to later be collected by Isis, used in the development of the experiment, turned into pillars/portals between the galactic council and below, and ultimately … as was the Divine Mother’s original intent, to repair the blueprints limited by the council and become the new council.
Sounds like a lot right … it is, and I will be uncovering more of it through the book that I am now being called to write and share with all of you.