Throughout my journey, I have come across books, courses, fellow energy/spirt/light language channels, YouTube Channels, and business tools that have resonated with me and helped me in one form or another. I share them with you here in the hopes that they might do the same for you.
A few things first …
One … As with anything, remain open and if something you are hearing, seeing, or reading does not resonate fully or at all, take in what does and release what does not. I know there are several individuals, books, etc. listed below that I don’t fully resonate with 100% of the time, and even some where I struggled to get through reading or watching because of that, but if I’ve included them here it is because I remained open and still received something that helped me in my journey.
Two … For links that are in green, please be aware that we receive a small % or other benefit from you purchasing via the link and use what we receive to help support the content that we provide through Blueprint Reclamation Project. And, while it should be obvious, I do not recommend anything that I have not read/interacted with personally and truly believe might be helpful in your journey.
YouTube Channels/Websites
Activations With JJ – Light Language, Soul Work, Ascension, etc.
Julian Jenkins – Mediumship, Guides, Akashic Records, etc.
Reiki with Rachel – Reiki, Amazing Portal Activations, etc.
Healing Vibrations – Sound Therapy with Crystal Singing Bowls
Earth Journey
Galactic Journey
My Favorite Things